• To establish a strong platform for all medical pharmacologists with MD/DNB/DM Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics degrees.
  • To promote pharmacology and therapeutics for the benefit of mankind and to promote scientific research and technology in the specialty of pharmacology and therapeutics.
  • To organize/convene conferences, seminars, workshops, camps, study circles meetings, symposiums, training sessions, etc., to promote pharmacology and therapeutics.
  • To provide leadership in solving various challenges faced by the medical pharmacologist's community.
  • To interact, help, or advise with government regulatory authorities in medical education (e.g., National Medical Commission) in developing policies/laws/course curriculum, etc., related to teaching and training of pharmacology and therapeutics for medical undergraduates and postgraduates of the country.
  • To work for high standards of teaching and training to medical undergraduates and postgraduates in pharmacology and therapeutics by initiating workshops, e-learning modules, training sessions, seminars, symposiums, and development of need-based curriculum and newer teaching and training techniques.
  • To help/advise government and regulatory authorities involved in the drug development process (e.g., CDSCO) for policy matters and advancement of the drug development process.
  • To improve quality education/research in pharmacology and therapeutics by preparing and using innovative learning and training material and adopting scientific/computerized/web-based teaching and training techniques.
  • To confer the title on eminent personalities and providing grants, scholarships, awards, medals, fellowships, financial assistance to the deserving /faculties/teachers/researchers/scholars/students related to the field of pharmacology and therapeutics.
  • To promote Pharmacology and therapeutics through literary, cultural, and social activities by health awareness programs, education classes, lectures, exhibitions, cultural programs, press conferences, social seminars, etc.
  • To publish journals, books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, and bulletins. To post and circulate books, journals, magazines, documentary films, and other materials for promoting the objectives of trust/organization.
  • To promote education and training in pharmacology and therapeutics by setting up education/training institutions and centers.
  • To organize clinical trial/ clinical research/GCP (good clinical practices) training workshop and hands-on training sessions on various phases of the drug development process.
  • To facilitate opportunities for career advancement of medical pharmacologists by bridging the gap between academia, the pharmaceutical, and the clinical research industry.
  • To promote and facilitates career opportunities in pharmacology and therapeutics through Job counseling and interview training by eminent professionals.
  • To promote ethical pharmaceutical marketing practices by conducting training of rational prescribing to practicing physicians on relevant topics such as critical evaluation of literature, concepts of patents/generics and pharmacovigilance, etc.
  • To do other things/acts/activities that are necessary and may be incidental or conducive to fulfilling the above aims and objects of the trust/organization.