Message of President

Dr Padmaja Uday Kumar

Dr. R. K. Dixit President


Dear colleagues

Irrespective of the specialisation a doctor perceives, knowledge of drugs is paramount to one’s clinical practice. However, the place of pharmacology today does not reflect the fact. We should confess that we have largely been responsible for the same.  As it is said ‘better late than never’, this venture of uniting the fellow pharmacologists together from across the country will yield rich dividends for the speciality. 

I have no doubt this organisation would reach greatest heights and contribute to the growth of our speciality. I convey my sincere thanks to all fellow pharmacologists for the confidence in me and bestowing this post. It brings with it enormous responsibility too. With the support of all esteemed pharmacologists, I hope to make a difference.

As a president of this unique organization, I offer my very best compliment and well-wishes to the faculty members, scientists, consultants, residents and experts in pharmacology and therapeutics. Let’s join hand together through this organization to work for raising the status of pharmacology and therapeutics.

Long live NPT

Dr. R. K. Dixit
Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
King George's Medical University,

Message of Secretary

Dr. Ganesh Dakhale

Dr. Ganesh Dakhale General Secretary


Dear Esteemed Members,

Greetings from NPT the most prestigious national organization of medical pharmacologists.

As we stand on the cusp of a new chapter, it is imperative that we reaffirm our commitment to the founding principles that have shaped our association over the past few year. My pledge is to create an inclusive environment where every member, regardless of their background or experience, feels valued and is afforded the opportunity to contribute significantly.

The true strength of our association lies in the collective knowledge and expertise of its members. I wholeheartedly encourage each of you to actively participate in our association's activities, share your insights, and collaborate on initiatives that will help shape the future of Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

I am eager to embark on this journey with you and to serve you to the best of my abilities as your General Secretary. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or our dedicated team. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and meet your expectations.

Let us renew our commitment to the National Association of Pharmacology and its mission. Together, we will continue to lead, innovate, and make meaningful contributions to our field and society.
Thank you for being an essential part of our association's success. I look forward to working closely with each one of you.

Dr. Ganesh Dakhale
General Secretary Dean (Examination)
Professor & Head
Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Message of Vice President

Dr Dinesh K Badyal

Dr. C M Kamaal Founder NPT & National Coordinator


Esteemed Colleagues,

National MD Pharmacology (NMDP) movement was launched on 28 January 2019 on social media. It was concerned with the interests of medical doctors with pharmacology specialty. Started with few members the movement gained enormous momentum with the overwhelming support of senior & reputed pharmacologists from all over the country. With the passage of time, NMDP has grown as a reputed group and established a unique identity among the pharmacology fraternity with academically rich contributions of the members on the NMDP group.

The majority of members of NMDP are heads of departments/senior professors/directors of institutions or senior faculty members working in different medical institutions/research institutions and pharmaceutical industry across the country. Supported by NMDP, ‘National Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics’ is emerging as most the prestigious national level organization which reflects the voices of medical teachers/experts /consultants/ scientists, researchers, and residents whom we represent.

Today’s pharmacologists specialists are involved in a wide range of activities and contributing actively to the research & development of medical sciences. Listening and valuing the contributions and approaches of our valuable members are critical to us.

I urge you to join these efforts. You will find NPT membership professionally and personally rewarding, as we channel our energies in a positive direction.

​Long live NPT

Dr. C M Kamaal
National Coordinator
Professor and Head
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
SMMH Govt. Medical College Saharanpur UP