Lifetime Achievement Award

The National Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (NPT) established the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022 to honor medical pharmacologists who have demonstrated a lifelong dedication to advancing education, research, and the overall growth of the specialty. The award recognizes individuals who have exhibited excellence in one or more domains of the specialty while contributing through academia, industry, research, or other areas of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, and Therapeutics. The award is presented annually during NAPTICON, the National Conference of the organization, and is a one-time honor per individual.

Award Eligibility

  • The nominee must be a member of the National Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
  • The nominee should hold an MD/DNB/DM in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, or Therapeutics obtained after completing an MBBS.
  • The nominee must have earned their postgraduate MD degree in Pharmacology at least 20 years prior to the nomination date.
  • The nominee should have made outstanding contributions to the fields of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, or Therapeutics over a minimum of 20 years post-graduation, whether in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, research, regulatory bodies, or patient care.
  • Any person holding an MD in Pharmacology with at least 5 years of experience postgraduation may submit a recommendation for a deserving individual.
  • Self-nominations are accepted, provided the nominee meets all the eligibility criteria. In the case of self-nomination, the nominee may complete the 'Proposer' section of the nomination form with their own details.
  • The nominee must be alive at the time of the award announcement (the award cannot be given posthumously).
  • The current President, General Secretary, and Finance Officer of NPT are ineligible during their active tenure.
  • A nomination is valid for one year only, and a new nomination packet must be submitted for each subsequent year.


  • Commemorative Plaque: A token of recognition for the recipient's contributions to Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, or Therapeutics.
  • Citation: A formal description highlighting the recipient’s significant achievements in the field.
  • The award recipient will be invited by the President of NPT to deliver a special lecture at NAPTICON, which may subsequently be published in official journal of organization.
  • The recipient's photo and citation will be displayed on the NPT website until the next award is granted.

Nomination submission

Nominations must be submitted to by the specified deadline each year following the announcement from the Chair of Council for Awards and Honours. Incomplete submissions or those received after the deadline will be considered ineligible.

Nomination Requirements

  • A detailed description of the candidate's significant contributions, achievements, accreditations, awards, and positions held in fields such as medical education, clinical and pharmaceutical research, regulatory institutions, and other related areas (maximum 1000 words).
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae and a brief summary of their achievements (no more than 150 words).
  • A completed nomination form (available on the NPT website) submitted by the proposer or the nominee (maximum of 5 pages).
  • A copy of the nominee's NPT membership certificate.
  • A copy of the nominee’s MD Pharmacology postgraduate degree certificate.

Selection Process

  • Initial Screening: Upon receipt, all applications will undergo an initial screening to ensure that the submission is complete and adheres to the eligibility criteria.
  • Evaluation by the Committee: A specially appointed 5-members Councils for Awards and Honours designated by the President of the National Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, will evaluate the applications.
  • Final Decision: The Council will assess the recommendations and make the final decision regarding the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award. This decision will be based on the nominee's documented accomplishments, impact on the field, and adherence to the values of NPT.
  • No Appeals: The decision made by the Council for Awards and Honors is considered final and binding. No appeals, disputes, or claims against the decision will be entertained under any circumstances.
  • Announcement: The selected recipient will be officially announced during the annual NAPTICON conference, where the award will be presented. The recipient will be notified in advance to prepare for the recognition event and special lecture.